OpenMBEE has several open source modeling projects built within the OpenMBEE Software
TMT is currently being developed by the TMT Observatory Corporation. The TMT SysML model provides an industrial scale application of OpenMBEE and system-level behavior simulation. The main objective for the TMT related analysis is to provide state-dependent power roll-ups for different operational scenarios and demonstrate that requirements are satisfied by the design as well as mass roll-ups and duration analysis of the operational use cases. The model is built with an approach to model-based systems analysis with SysML that is both rigorous and automated. The approach’s rigor is established with a modeling method that is an extension of INCOSE’s Object Oriented Systems Engineering Method (OOSEM).
The SysML model is accessible on github. The engineering documents created from the model are accessible on
The OpenMBEE group is developing an architectural model to link user needs, functionality, and technical design of the integrated environment. The architectural model describes a set of modeling styles and the various questions that the environment is intended to help users answer. The model also catalogs major functionality and APIs to access.
The model is used to generate a document to describe the architecture and another to describe major components.
The OpenMBEE Architectural Model model can be downloaded from GitHub in the arch_model repository. The engineering documents created from the model are accessible on
Engineering cookbooks are a compendium for the engineer which captures best practices, lessons learned, and provides guidance on how to use languages and tools to achieve a certain engineering task, such as “How-to Verify Requirements”.
The OpenSE Cookbook is an open-sourced collection of patterns, procedures, and best practices targeted for systems engineers who seek guidance on applying model-based and executable systems engineering using SysML. Its content has emerged from the system level modeling effort on the European Framework Program 6 (FP6) and the Thirty Meter Telescope.
Application of the OpenSE Cookbook practices enables consistent delivery of engineered products using a well-defined modeling approach called the Executable Systems Engineering Method (ESEM), which is a refinement of the Object Oriented Systems Engineering Method (OOSEM).
ESEM introduces the next phase of system modeling emphasizing executable models to enhance understanding, precision, and verification of requirements.
The OpenSE Cookbook provides a consistent, comprehensive, detailed, and background-agnostic set of operational procedures to guide practitioners through MBSE. Unlike existing SysML literature whose goal is to provide the foundations of descriptive modeling to newcomers and bring forward the arguments in favor of MBSE, the OpenSE Cookbook represents an implementation of what such literature often refers to as best practices or organization-specific procedures. It provides goal oriented guidance for systems engineers explained by a set of combinable patterns. Systems engineering workflows drive each of the pattern definitions, such as how to verify requirements, roll-up technical resources, and analysis.
The OpenSE Cookbook demonstrates how to build and analyze system models using OpenMBEE as applied to educational examples as well as actual usages in the TMT production model.
The overall goal of the OpenSE Cookbook in conjunction with OpenMBEE is to commoditize the Executable Systems Engineering Method, i.e. remove the cost and barriers to entry that allows for expanded innovation and broader operations driven by increased user access and decreased costs, in order to foster the broadest adoption.
Further information is available on the OpenSE Cookbook wiki
The OpenSE Cookbook is accompanied by the OpenSE model library that provides model templates (e.g. to support ESEM), structural elements (e.g. for organizational charts), and behavioral elements to facilitate the authoring and analysis of models following the described patterns.
A library of platform independent re-usable behavioral models for different devices, such as lamps and motors, has been developed by the European Southern Observatory (ESO) to build Telescope and Instrument control and supervisor applications for different software platforms.
OpenMBEE Model Development Kits (MDKs) are an integration concept for third party modeling tools. The engineering domain has many apps and services for modeling and analysis. The MDK architecture provides a means to integrate with modeling and analysis tools uniting the best of all worlds.
The Cameo MDK is a plugin for Cameo Systems Modeler that’s primary purposes are to sync models with the MMS and implement the DocGen language, which allows modelers to dynamically generate documents in a model-based approach using the view and viewpoint concept.
These MDKs enable interactions with the MMS from engineering tools.
for programmatic and api access to MMS data in Jupyter Notebooks
Cameo MDK Systems Reasoner for Cameo Systems Modeler
Convenience tooling for UML/SysML inheritance using the Block Specific Type pattern
Cameo MDK Expression for Cameo Systems Modeler
AsciiMathML based expression editor
The Model Management System (MMS) provide services for managing models and is a version control system for structured data.
The Execubots architectural version handles collections of JSON objects and is under long term support.
The Flexo architectural version handels RDF data and is currently under development.
For more details on the architectural version differences and links, see the GitHub Open-MBEE Org page
Flexo-MMS handles models as RDF graphs and exposes SparQL and Graph Store Protocol (GSP) endpoints for model update/load/query operations, as well as CRUD endpoints for management of RDF graphs (creating Orgs, Repos, Branches, etc).
Execubots-MMS handels models as JSON documents and exposes model information through RESTful web services that can be used for CRUD operations, branching, and tagging of the model repository.
MMS Reference Implementation Documentation
OpenAPI-Doc For swaggger-ui, go to swagger demo and put in the yaml link on top
VE enables users to interact with models within a web-based environment. It interacts with the MMS REST API to provide a web environment to create, read, and update model elements, including Documents and Views. VE works in conjunction with the various Model Development Kits so data in different modeling tools can be shown in a primarily narrative format on the web without losing the connection to the data sources.
Public Instance (use openmbeeguest/guest for readonly access)
Comodo is a model-to-text transformation toolkit based on Xpand/Xtend that takes as input a UML model and transforms it into different text artifacts depending on the selected target platform. Comodo is not tool-dependant (takes UML as input), and can be enhanced into generating any kind of text artifact by writing up new templates.
The toolkit has been developed by the European Southern Observatory (ESO) to build Telescope and Instrument control and supervisor applications for different software platforms.